Sunday, September 26, 2010

Appealing to Me(English)

What we have been learning, doing or talking about these past weeks are, the different types of persuasive techniques(people use in the media, to persuade people to buy there product) and language techniques(the techniques advertisers use in their advertisement to persuade people, to buy their product).

I have really learnt new things about how the media, has change it ways in advertising. What i mean is that, there have bee
n a lot of different advertising techniques, in recent years(has people use persuasive words, famous persons face, etc, to persuade people to buy their product) and the way. Also, what I have notice about how the media has change in advertising, is that most of the techniques, advertisers use this days, have something or someone they are appealing to(e.g. like people who like to try new things, the moment they come out, this type of appealing is called appeal to novelty).
I must say that I have learnt different things or should I say new things about world of advertisement, during these past weeks. I remember when I was a kid, watching advertisement on TV or other medias, I will only see the product and someone saying the logo of the product (the logo was what they used to persuade people)but now
adays, if I watch an advertisement on TV or other medias, I will see a famous person using the product and saying how it is useful, an interview of people whom have used the product and how it has changed their lives or a short clip of the product itself, how it works and how you can use it.

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