Tuesday, October 26, 2010



The name of my company is Technology Ad. Our slogan is DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING NEW.

Our main goal is to tell the truth about the new technologies. Our message is to make the

whole world know the truth about the new technologies, nowadays. We want our consumers

to be media literate about these new technologies. We are not here to compare new

technology and old technology, but here to know the truth, because it is our money that goes

into these technologies and we don’t want you (our consumers) to make a mistake, in wasting

your money, in something that you know has to difference from the one you already have.

Likewise, in another words we are not trying to stop our consumer from buying new

technologies but we want them to know what they are investing their money on, because it

doesn't make sense to buy an expensive


Sunday, October 24, 2010



This Unit is a combination project, between English and Humanities. The title of this Unit is called The Power Of Persuasion.


In humanities, we started of this Unit, by discussing and brainstorming, what is a Brand Power and the difference between a Brand and a Product. We got most of our answers from the interview with, Naomi Klein, the author of No Logo, a critique of globalized big brands and marketing effects on culture and individuals. Then we were ask to do some research about what is a Brand Spirit and why is it important.
After that we were given a group task to find some information about a product, advertised by a celebrity and why companies use celebrities in Ads, a product endorsed by an authority and why companies use authorities in Ads, and some more related to a product and company. I found this task a bit hard, because at that time i didn't quite understand what is product. Then we were given an individual task to search a magazine, and see if there is more facts or more opinions in a magazine Ad.
Later on we were given another individual task, to find five different advertisements and answer these questions
  • Who is being encouraged to use this good or service?
  • How do the Ads appeal to the consumer's tastes and preferences?
  • In which type of publication did this ad appear?
  • Is there a relationship between the potential consumer, the type of advertisement, and the type of publication?
  • Does the Ad provide consumers with enough information to decide whether to buy this good or service?
Then we started discussing about Media literacy and Social Media Marketing(talking about the Marketing Techniques). We also talked about Sweatshops and knowing which Ads do sweatshops and also in which country. Also what products are been made in Sweatshop and finally we talked about Ad-busters.


In English, we were kind of doing the same thing in Humanities, just that in this subject(English), we were focusing more on the language techniques and persuasive techniques, different brands use to get people's attention, to buy their product.
We also talked about the different appeals, these different brands use when appealing to different people, who have different likes, about different things(example: many teenagers like new things, so the brand company will use the appeal to novelty to get the attention's of these different people).
We did a lot of task in English like; Search through a magazine for persuasive techniques and language techniques, make up a positive implication, neutral implication and negative implication, make a nonsensical ad, etc. All of them I liked, but what I really liked the most, was Design Time, were in we had to make our or perfume or deodorant, and sell it to audience(not really), using persuasive techniques and language techniques. I made a perfume Ad, called Bonito, and I used the face of Beyonce, to get my target audience attention. It was really fun.

Thursday, October 21, 2010



This is my ad that i have designed. It is called Bonito, the Portuguese meaning of Sweet.

My slogan is Smell Sweet, Taste Sweet, With Bonito. My target audience are teens and

adult. This is because they are fancy, about things that can make them Look Sweet and Taste sweet.

My language techniques are Rhyme and Alliteration
  • This is because i want the word Sweet to recurred in my audience mind, when they see the product
  • I want them to feel like they Look sweet and Taste sweet, when they are reading the slogan
My Persuasive technique is Transfer
  • Using the face of Beyonce
  • This is for my target audiences, to feel persuaded to buy my perfume, knowing that Beyonce too, uses the perfume

Tuesday, October 5, 2010



The language technique been used, in this perfume (AXE) are, IMPERATIVES and EMOTIVE LANGUAGE. The advertisers used
this type of language technique, because they are commanding their consumers to SPRAY MORE and also they are creating excitement for their consumers, because when they SPRAY MORE, they would GET MORE.

The common words been used here is MORE, because in whatsoever thing you used the perfume for you will get it more.

The language used here is related to this product, because if you spray the perfume more, you will get a long lasting smell of the perfume on your body.

Also the words the advertisers used, is for us to feel very excited, happy and also for us to smell sweet, with the long lasting smell of the perfume on our body.


The language technique used in this deodorant (HIGH ENDURANCE) is a hyperbole. The advertisers used this type of language technique because they are exaggerating the effect that the deodorant has (this means that they are exaggerating the effect the deodorant has, by saying it has long lasting endurance)

The common word been used here is LONG LASTING, this is because they want all there consumers to have a long lasting smell on their body

The language technique used here is related to the product, as when you use the deodorant it gives you a long lasting odor

Also the words the advertisers used, is for us to feel very excited, happy and also for us to smell sweet, with the long lasting smell of the perfume on our body

Sunday, October 3, 2010


This movie called Tarzan, basically talks about a white boy, who grew in Tanzanian jungle, with animals, and he speaks the animal language. He also protects is family and friends(the animals) from hunters and wild animals.

  • Disney movie
  • Internet
  • TV
  • Billboards
  • It tells us how African Jungle looks like
  • It tells us what kind of people live in Africa
  • What kind of activities people usually do in the jungle
  • It tells us how strange it is to see or find a white jungle boy in Africa
  • The different types of animals that are in Africa and also the ones that are good and bad
  • It also tells us how jungle boys like animals and would do anything for them


This character Tarzan demonstrates the normal way an African jungle boy lives and what he does. The values he demonstrates, are like protecting his family(the animals) from hunters and wild animals and his believe was on this girl called Jane, whom he believe or trust, will stop the hunters from destroying his home and family.
This also is somehow connected to the concept of systems, because everything that this movie implies, is connected to the way a typical African jungle boy, would behave and what he would want or do, in order to protect himself, his home and family. It is also connected to the way hunters, do their hunting and what types of traps they set for animals and what activities they do in the jungle.

Saturday, October 2, 2010



Q.1 What is a sweatshop and how bad is the problem?

The United States Department
of labor considers sweatshop as an illegal factory that violates two or more labor laws that pertain to fair wage, tax and benefits, working hours and child labor. Anti-sweatshops advocates sweatshops, as a factory that doesn't pay a reasonable living wage, working conditions are unfavorable, does not provide for sick leave, maternity leave and enforce strict work hours to workers to avoid being tag a sweatshop.

This problem is bad worldwide, because no single definition exists(also because sweatshops don't want to show their identity) and it's difficult to determine the worldwide scope of the problem. Adding to this problem is the " the race to the bottom", which means that sweatshops factories don't stay in the same place, if they can shift their company from ever-cheaper and less-regulated locations(they shift because they are aware of their illegal market). For example: The number of sweatshops in Mexico that ascend in 1990s, were entice by the NAFTA companies to close their US operations and move south, and this cause lots of companies in Mexico to move to Asian countries because, of global manufacturing costs continued to shift in Mexico.

Q.2Doesn't low-wage sweatshop employment help alleviate poverty; aren't sweatshops a necessary step on the road to economic development?

Absolutely not. Sweatshops doesn't helps alleviate poverty but instead they put their own workers in a cycle of exploitation that rarely helps benefit their economic situation. The Green America's Corporate Social Responsibility Program Director, Todd Larsen says, that many countries minimum wages are insufficient to climb out of poverty. This example shows us that, sweatshops aren't a necessary step on the road to economic development(in fact, i would say it is a way to the downfall of economic development)and even if they were a road to economic development, why aren't them in the world's most developed economies, but yet still they remain uncovered. For example PBS premiered the film "Made in LA" documenting the fall of sweatshop abuses in Southern California, in 2007.

Q. 3 But if companies have to cut costs to stay competitive, aren't sweatshops inevitable?

No, sweatshop aren't inevitable, if companies have to cut costs to stay competitive, besides low prices are only one of many factors that consumers take into account, when they shop, while most
consumers don't purchase goods made in sweatshops.
Sweatshop expert John Miller(who teaches in Wheaton College about sweatshops) explains how paying decent wages to workers at the beginning of the supply chain has little effect on a company's competitiveness. "Political Economic Research in Mexico industry, found that doubling the pay of non supervisory workers would add just $1.80 to cost of a $100 men sport jacket,"explained Miller.







Shoes:- The shoes mostly made in sweatshops are swimming shoes or Nike

Coffee:- Many farmers sell their coffee for less than the cost of production, forcing them into poverty and debt

Rugs:- Almost 1 million children are illegally employed, for making rugs worldwide. 75% of carpet-weavers in Pakistan are made by children under 14.

Toys:- A lot of toys are made in China, Malaysia, Thailand or Vietnam. Workers earn about 30 cents per hour.

Thursday, September 30, 2010



Q.1a Explain the appeals to desires you used and why?

The appeal to desire we chose, was the appeal to people's desire to feel safe. This is because we want our target audience to feel safe at home with the "Just Click" remote.

Q.1B Why did you choose this appeals instead of another? How does it connect to your target audience?
The reason why we chose this appeal, is because we want our target audience to feel secure and safe, an this connects with them, as it helps them escape family stress.

Q.2a Describe the language techniques you used and why.

The language technique we used was imperative, because of our slogan, Click and make them do it and also because we are commanding them to buy our product.

Q.2B What effect do you hope this effect will have?
The effect we hope for this remote Just Click, would have on our target audience is for them to be in a shock or surprise, because the Just Click remote is a remote that can control their family, and we believe that most people have got or gone through family stress, and they will be asking themselves, "I wish I can control my family".

Q.3a Explain the persuasive technique you used and provide reasons for your choices?
The persuasive technique we chose was testimonial,which means using a word of a famous person to persuade people and the famous person we chose was the Simpsons family, with the face of Homer replaced by Scooby Doo. We chose this family and Scooby Doo, because we want all animals and human being to use the, to escape family stress, with just a Click.

Q.3b Do you think the techniques you have chosen are persuasive enough to convince your audience to buy this product?
Yes, the technique we chose is persuasive enough to convince our audience to buy the product.